
Awards continue sailing in for Tidy Thames Refuse Services

Last month Tidy Thames Refuse Services attended the Thames Gateway Business Awards 2007 as a finalist for the Environmental Business of the Year. Since the company began in 1983 Chris Livett has picked up numerous awards for innovation and achievement, including winning the prestigious Queen Mother's Birthday Awards twice.

The latest award was a result of the success of the 'Recycling by Water' initiative which not only reduces participating customers' impact on the environment but also reduces their waste bills.

Chris commented "Following market research in 2005 a 'Recycling by Water' initiative was developed to offer customers an economically and environmentally positive solution to their waste disposal requirements. This has proved very effective and allowed us to reduce waste to landfill from our participating customers by approximately 50%."

There have been many other positive environmental, social and economic benefits to both the river Thames and London as a result of the Recycling by Water service:

  • Reduced lorry traffic on London's busy roads
  • Reduced pollution by moving larger quantities of waste in each trip
  • Reprocessing of materials previously sent to landfill
  • Innovation as this is the first service of its kind in the UK
  • Increased awareness of environmentally responsible business operation
  • Reduced waste disposal bills

The next stage is to develop the service further, increasing the amount of waste that is recycled and reducing the amount that goes to landfill. Chris commented, "We are actually able to reduce our customers' annual bills, against the ever increasing costs of fuel, tax and inflation. With landfill tax continuing to rise at such a huge rate we cannot continue to simply throw refuse away. All our customers need to recycle, those that are not are throwing money away!"

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For further information please contact:
Mr. Chris Livett
Tidy Thames Refuse Services
HMS Belfast, Morgan’s Lane, London, SE1 2JH
Email or telephone 020 7378 1211 / 07836 572 850