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Port of London welcome for Olympic announcement

A strong welcome for the announcement that the 2012 Olympics will be held in London has come from the Port of London Authority.

Richard Everitt, Port of London Authority chief executive said:

"This is excellent news for London and the UK. The announcement also presents important opportunities for greater use of the River Thames.

"During the construction phase, we will be working to promote the Thames. The river is already an excellent means of moving aggregates, project loads and other construction materials efficiently, economically and in a very environmentally friendly way.

"The Thames will also be an excellent way to move participants, officials and spectators to not only the Olympic Park but also to other key venues on and near the river. Existing fast commuter services on the river could be extended and developed to be ready for the Olympics.

"We will also explore possibilities to welcome more passenger cruise ships to moor in the Thames to provide extra accommodation for athletes and other visitors to the Olympics. This would build upon our successful experience with the existing cruise ship moorings at Tower Bridge, Greenwich and Tilbury."

Contact: Martin Garside, Port of London Authority, tel: 020 7743 7915