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Port Staff's Foreshore Clean-up

PLA staff cleaning the foreshore at Denton
PLA staff clear debris from the foreshore
(click on image to enlarge)

Staff at the Port of London Authority (PLA) recently got their wellies on and cleaned up a stretch of the Thames foreshore in Gravesend as part of the firm’s Environment Week.

Twenty five PLA employees and family members took part in the clean-up at Denton Wharf, Gravesend, which was supervised environmental charity, Thames 21. Together they filled two metal cages with rubbish including metal drums, fishing line, plastics, sheeting and tyres.

PLA chief executive, Richard Everitt, joined the clean-up. He said:

“We work with Thames 21 along the river so doing a clear-up on our doorstep during our Environment Week seemed a logical thing to do. I was amazed by the sheer variety of rubbish that we turned up, much of it we have already sent for recycling.“

The PLA stresses that the Thames foreshore is a hazardous environment. The Denton clean-up exercise was supervised by the specially trained team from Thames 21 who run clean-ups along the river.

PLA Environment Manager Nichie Jenkins tackles the cleanup Construction Supervisor Lee Walker with some of the rubbish collected
PLA Environment Manager Nichie Jenkins tackles the cleanup
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Construction Supervisor Lee Walker with some of the rubbish collected
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