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PLA's new recruits on deck for 2012

(left to right): Arron Geiss, Sue Scrivens, Louis Pettipher and Neil Semple
(Left to right): Arron Geiss, Sue Scrivens, Louis Pettipher and Neil Semple
(Click on image to enlarge)

The Port of London Authority (PLA) has called in new crew as it gears up for a busy year on the river in 2012.

Arron Geiss, Sue Scrivens, Louis Pettipher and Neil Semple are training aboard various PLA boats in preparation for duties during the Olympics and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

The port authority runs a fleet of around 40 vessels ranging from salvage ships to pilot cutters and is already in the process of investing in new patrol boats in time for 2012.

About the PLA

  • The Port of London Authority (PLA) is responsible for safety and related matters on 95 miles of the tidal Thames from the sea to Teddington in west London.
  • The PLA provides safety and other marine services for users of the Thames.
  • London is the UK's second largest port, handling over 50 million tonnes of cargo each year.
  • London also has a busy passenger boat trade for tourists and commuters and is a popular destination for international passenger cruise ships. The tidal Thames is also used widely by those with small recreational craft of many types.