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LOOKOUT! PLA and Thames Regional Rowing Council's New Poster Campaign

TRRC’s Tony Reynolds with PLA’s DarrenKnight kick off the new Lookout poster campaign.

Rowers on the Thames tideway are being urged to keep a look out at all times in a new poster campaign from the Port of London Authority (PLA) and Thames Regional Rowing Council (TRRC).

The Thames at Putney, and upriver from there, is a global centre for competitive rowing and is home to the annual University Boat Race. The PLA and TRRC have launched the campaign after an analysis found crews ‘failing to keep a proper lookout’ is the main cause of rowing incidents on the Thames.

PLA’s assistant harbour master (recreational) Darren Knight, explains:

“Keeping a proper lookout is fundamental to staying safe on the river. This campaign is aimed at reminding people of this safety basic, before they take the water: stay aware of where you, and other boats, are on the river.”

The campaign is centred on three posters designed by rower and TRRC-member, Neil Pickford that have been distributed to rowing clubs along the upper tidal Thames.

PLA’s assistant harbour master (recreational), Darren Knight with launch skipper, Trevor Window, kicking off the Lookout campaign

Martin Humphrys, Chairman of the Thames Regional Rowing Council, said:

“Rowing is a hugely popular sport on the Thames, with increasing numbers of people taking to the river for the first time. The posters Neil has designed will be in clubs all along the tideway as a constant reminder of one of the most important things they need to do keep themselves and their crew mates safe.”

The Lookout campaign is the latest joint initiative between PLA and TRRC. In 2006 they launched the Code for Rowing on the Tideway, which established clear guidance for rowing on the Thames above Putney that integrated rowers practice and basic navigational safety needs.

More information and advice on rowing safely on the Thames can be found on the PLA’s recreational website: www.boatingonthethames.co.uk