Terminal Directory

Hanson Aggregates

Operator Hanson Aggregates
Terminal Location Dagenham
Company Address Chequers Lane, Dagenham, Essex, RM9 6QD
Tel. No: (020) 8984 1900 , Fax No: (020) 8984 7212
Website: https://www.hanson.co.uk/en
Contact(s) Steve Chidgey

150 metres.

Depth of Water
14.05 metres MHWS (7.2 metres at Chart Datum).

Barge Loading Facility:
4 Dolphins - Approx. 25 metres in length.

Depth of Water
10.05 metres MHWS (3.2 metres at Chart Datum).

Cargo Accommodation
Marine Aggregatesplus possibility of handling other aggregates on site.

Close connection to M25 via A13 and A406.

HM Revenue & Customs Sufferance
Limited Approval.
Marine Aggregates dredging and processing.
Receiving hopper and discharge conveyor 2,000 t.p.h. for self-discharging vessels.
Barge loading feeder conveyor 600 t.p.h., for all suitable materials for home or export.
Commodities Dry Bulks: Aggregates